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Field trip to Mahabalipuram and Kovalam - I M.Sc. 2006-07
Aquaculture centre-Muttukadu At five rathas At five rathas Marine algae collection at Kovalam
Marine algae collection at Kovalam At Kovalam shore At Kovalam shore
Field trip to Mahabalipuram and Kovalam - I M.Sc. 2007-08
Getting ready for the trip in the van in the van in the van
in the van in the van  Tea at mahabalilpuram Looking for freshwater algae

Examining filaments Isoetes-sighted Koneri tank-Mahabalipuram Koneri tank-Mahabalipuram 

Koneri tank-Mahabalipuram  Examination with a field lens Looking for more algae Just resting

Back from collection Here is Chara At 'five rathas' At 'five rathas'

At 'five rathas' At 'five rathas' At 'five rathas' At beach temple

Lunch at Tiger's cave Lunch at Tiger's cave Lunch at Tiger's cave  Lunch at Tiger's cave 

Lunch at Tiger's cave Marine algae collection at Kovalam Marine algae collection at Kovalam Marine algae at an exposed rock

Marine algae collection at Kovalam
Marine algae collection at Kovalam Marine algae collection at Kovalam Marine algae collection at Kovalam Marine algae collection at Kovalam
Baclk to mcc campus

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